2025 Publications
2025 Publications
Ambesi V, Miller C, Fitzgerald MC, Mitra B. The GCS-Pupils (GCS-P) score to assess outcomes after traumatic brain injury: a retrospective study. Br J Neurosurg. 2024:1-4.
Andrews T, Meadley B, Gabbe B, Beck B, Dicker B, Cameron P. Review article: Pre-hospital trauma guidelines and access to lifesaving interventions in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Emerg Med Australas. 2024;36(2):197-205.
Azadmanjir Z, Khormali M, Sadeghi-Naini M, Baigi V, Pirnejad H, Dashtkoohi M, et al. Post-discharge follow-up of patients with spine trauma in the National Spinal Cord Injury Registry of Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and lessons learned. Chin J Traumatol. 2024;27(3):173-9.
Bagg MK, Hellewell SC, Keeves J, Antonic-Baker A, McKimmie A, Hicks AJ, et al. The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Systematic Review of Predictive Value of Biological Markers for People With Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2024.
Bagg MK, Hicks AJ, Hellewell SC, Ponsford JL, Lannin NA, O'Brien TJ, et al. The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Statement of Working Principles and Rapid Review of Methods to Define Data Dictionaries for Neurological Conditions. Neurotrauma Rep. 2024;5(1):424-47.
Barrier Reef, Australia. Rural Remote Health. 2024;24(4):8233.
Bhutta ZA, Akhtar N, Pathan SA, Castren M, Harris T, Ganesan GS, et al. Epidemiological profile of stroke in Qatar: Insights from a seven-year observational study. J Clin Neurosci. 2024;123:30-5.
Bhutta ZA, Pathan SA, Puolakka T, Akhtar N, Thomas SH, Harris T, et al. Assessing Stroke Awareness and Behavioural Response Following the National 'Act Fast' Stroke Awareness Campaign - Insights from a Cross-Sectional Survey in Qatar. J Patient Exp. 2024;11:23743735241242717.
Bion V, Jape D, Niesen R, Angliss M, Bruscino-Raiola F, Mitra B, Devaney B. Validation of necrotising infection clinical composite endpoint in a retrospective cohort of patients with necrotising soft tissue infections. Diving Hyperb Med. 2024;54(3):155-61.
Boulton AJ, Abelairas-Gómez C, Olaussen A, Skrifvars MB, Greif R, Yeung J. Cardiac arrest centres for patients with non-traumatic cardiac arrest: A systematic review. Resuscitation. 2024;203:110387.
Bradley O, Mitra B, Meadley B, Clair TS, Anderson D. Prehospital Blood Transfusion in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services: An Italian Survey. Air Med J. 2024;43(3):190.
Cevik AA, Cakal ED, Kwan J, Chu S, Mtombeni S, Anantharaman V, et al. IFEM model curriculum: emergency medicine learning outcomes for undergraduate medical education. Int J Emerg Med. 2024;17(1):98.
Cocker LM, Collins AST, Morel J, O’Flynn C, Osakwe E, McCreary DJ. Journal update: monthly top five. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2024;41(11):704-5.
Craig S, O'Reilly GM, Egerton-Warburton D, Jones P, Than MP, Tran V, et al. Making the most of what we have: What does the future hold for Emergency Department data? Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2024;36(5):795-8.
Devaney B. Equipoise: an important ethical consideration when contemplating participation in a randomised controlled trial of hyperbaric oxygen treatment in necrotising soft tissue infections. Diving Hyperb Med. 2024;54(1):57-60.
Doan T, Howell S, Ball S, Finn J, Cameron P, Bosley E, et al. Identifying areas of Australia with high out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidence and low bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation rates: A retrospective, observational study. PLoS One. 2024;19(4):e0301176.
Donoghue A, Sawyer T, Olaussen A, Greif R, Toft L. Gamified learning for resuscitation education: A systematic review. Resusc Plus. 2024;18:100640.
Ferrah N, Kennedy B, Beck B, Ibrahim J, Gabbe B, Cameron P. A scoping review of models of care for the management of older trauma patients. Injury. 2024;55(2):111200.
Fitzgerald M, Phan T, Fitzgerald S, Xiao Y, Green M, Johnny C, et al. Bladder inflation to reduce hemorrhage secondary to a pelvic fracture. Trauma Case Rep. 2024;54:101105.
Gabbe BJ, Keeves J, McKimmie A, Gadowski AM, Holland AJ, Semple BD, et al. The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Systematic Review and Consensus Process to Determine the Predictive Value of Demographic, Injury Event, and Social Characteristics on Outcomes for People with Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2024.
Goubrial D, Roman C, Ashok A, Mitra B. Tetanus management in a high-resource emergency department: A case report. Clin Case Rep. 2024;12(7):e9073.
Harvey RT, Starmer K, Sklavos T, Cahill T, Starmer G, O'Neill J, Mitchell R. Characteristics and outcomes of patients with cardiac conditions requiring emergency medical retrieval from the Great
Howard J, Grusd E, Rice D, Nudell NG, Lipscombe C, Shepherd M, Olaussen A. Development of an international prehospital CPR-induced consciousness guideline: A Delphi study. Paramedicine. 2024;21(2):66-78.
Hunt B, Zhao H, Cassidy A, Peart S, Olaussen A. Diagnostic Accuracy of Posterior Circulation Stroke by Paramedics: A Systematic Review. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2024;28(6):823-31.
Jafar AJN, Patel S, Mitchell R, Redmond A. Redefining global health and shifting the balance: the ARC-H principle. BMJ Glob Health. 2024;9(2).
Keeves J, Gadowski A, McKimmie A, Bagg MK, Antonic-Baker A, Hicks AJ, et al. The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Systematic Review of the Effect of Acute Interventions on Outcome for People With Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2024.
Latona A, Pellatt R, Wedgwood D, Keijzers G, Grant S. Ventilator-assisted preoxygenation in an aeromedical retrieval setting. Emerg Med Australas. 2024;36(4):596-603.
Lau G, Ang JY, Kim N, Gabbe BJ, Mitra B, Dietze PM, et al. Approaches and reporting of alcohol and other drug testing for injured patients in hospital-based studies: A systematic review. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2024;43(4):897-926.
Lau G, Ang JY, Kim N, Gabbe BJ, Mitra B, Dietze PM, et al. Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Patients Presenting to Hospital for Violence-Related Injuries: A Systematic Review. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2024;25(1):306-26.
Lau G, Gabbe BJ, Mitra B, Dietze PM, Reeder S, Cameron P, et al. Association between acute pre-injury alcohol use and 12-month health outcomes for survivors of major trauma: A registry-based study. Injury. 2024;55(11):111782.
Lau G, Mitra B, Gabbe BJ, Dietze PM, Reeder S, Cameron PA, et al. Prevalence of alcohol and other drug detections in non-transport injury events. Emerg Med Australas. 2024;36(1):78-87.
McKimmie A, Keeves J, Gadowski A, Bagg MK, Antonic-Baker A, Hicks AJ, et al. The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Systematic Review of Clinical Factors Associated with Outcomes in People with Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurotrauma Rep. 2024;5(1):0.
Mitchell R, Fang W, Tee QW, O'Reilly G, Romero L, Mitchell R, et al. Systematic review: What is the impact of triage implementation on clinical outcomes and process measures in low- and middle-income country emergency departments? Acad Emerg Med. 2024;31(2):164-82.
Mitchell R, Sebby W, Piamnok D, Black A, Amono W, Bornstein S, et al. Performance of the Interagency Integrated Triage Tool in a resource-constrained emergency department during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australas Emerg Care. 2024;27(1):30-6.
Mitchell R, White L, Elton L, Luke C, Bornstein S, Atua V. Triage implementation in resource-limited emergency departments: sharing tools and experience from the Pacific region. Int J Emerg Med. 2024;17(1):21.
Mitra B, Bernard S, Yankoff C, Somesh A, Stewart C, Koolstra C, et al. Change from semi-rigid to soft collars for prehospital management of trauma patients: An observational study. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2024;5(4):e13239.
Mitra B, Crellin D. Transient decline in abusive head trauma in children during the COVID-19 pandemic provides lessons for prevention. Evid Based Nurs. 2024.
Mitra B, Jorgensen M, Reade MC, Keegan A, Holley A, Farmer S, et al. Patient blood management guideline for adults with critical bleeding. Med J Aust. 2024;220(4):211-6.
Mitra B, Major B, Reyes J, Surendran N, Bain J, Giesler LP, et al. MicroRNA Biomarkers on Day of Injury Among Patients with Post Concussive Symptoms at 28-Days: A Prospective Cohort Study. MicroRNA. 2024;13(3):233-9.
Mitra B, Singh B, Mathew J, Stewart C, Koolstra C, Hendel S, Fitzgerald M. Timing and volume of transfusion for adult major trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock: a registry-based cohort study. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2024;9(1):e001248.
Mitra B, Talarico CS, Olaussen A, Anderson D, Meadley B. Blood lactate after pre-hospital blood transfusion for major trauma by helicopter emergency medical services. Vox Sang. 2024;119(5):460-6.
Muhuntha S-G, Peter C. Remote Monitoring in Telehealth: Advancements, Feasibility and Implications. In: Dr. Thomas FH, editor. A Comprehensive Overview of Telemedicine. Rijeka: IntechOpen; 2024. p. Ch. 0.
Naumann DN, Bhangu A, Brooks A, Martin M, Cotton BA, Khan M, et al. Novel Textbook Outcomes following emergency laparotomy: Delphi exercise. BJS Open. 2024;8(1).
Nehme E, Smith K, Jones C, Cox S, Cameron P, Nehme Z. Refining ambulance clinical response models: The impact on ambulance response and emergency department presentations. Emerg Med Australas. 2024;36(4):609-15
Newberry-Dupé J, Chu W, Craig S, Borschmann R, O'Reilly G, Yates P, et al. Adult Mental Health Presentations to Emergency Departments in Victoria, Australia between January 2018 and October 2020: Changes Associated with COVID-19 Pandemic Public Health Restrictions. Psychiatr Q. 2024;95(1):33-52.
O'Brien WT, Spitz G, Xie B, Major BP, Mutimer S, Giesler LP, et al. Biomarkers of Neurobiologic Recovery in Adults With Sport-Related Concussion. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(6):e2415983.
Ponsford JL, Hicks AJ, Bagg MK, Phyland R, Carrier S, James AC, et al. The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Review and Recommendations for Outcome Measures for Use With Adults and Children After Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurotrauma Rep. 2024;5(1):387-408.
Pu D, Cameron P, Chapman W, Greenstock L, Sanci L, Callisaya ML, Haines T. Virtual emergency care in Victoria: Stakeholder perspectives of strengths, weaknesses, and barriers and facilitators of service scale-up. Australas Emerg Care. 2024;27(2):102-8.
Roman C, Dooley M, Fitzgerald M, Smit V, Cameron P, Mitra B. Pharmacists in Trauma: a randomised controlled trial of emergency medicine pharmacists in trauma response teams. Emerg Med J. 2024;41(7):397-403.
Sadeghi-Naini M, Jazayeri SB, Kankam SB, Ghodsi Z, Baigi V, Zeinaddini Meymand A, et al. Quality of in-hospital care in traumatic spinal column and cord injuries (TSC/SCI) in I.R Iran. Eur Spine J. 2024;33(4):1585-96.
Saleem A, Appannah A, Meyer C, Hutchinson AM, Mills A, Smit V, et al. A qualitative exploration of challenges recruiting older adults for Being Your Best, a co-designed holistic intervention to manage and reduce frailty: lessons learnt amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Melbourne, Australia. BMJ Open. 2024;14(5):e082618.
Schnaubelt S, Monsieurs KG, Fijacko N, Veigl C, Al-Hilali Z, Atiq H, et al. International facets of the 'chain of survival' for out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest - A scoping review. Resusc Plus. 2024;19:100689.
Seneviratne U, McLaughlin K, Reilly J, Luckhoff C, Myles P. Nine recommendations for the emergency department for patients presenting with low back pain based on management and post-discharge outcomes in an Australian, tertiary emergency department. Emerg Med Australas. 2024;36(2):310-7.
Sharp S, Tracy L, Singer Y, Schnekenburger M, Burrell A, Paton A, et al. Early Acute Kidney Injury in Adult Patients With Burns in Australia & New Zealand. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024;303:482-8.
Shool S, Piri SM, Ghodsi Z, Tabrizi R, Amirzade-Iranaq MH, Mashayekhi M, et al. The prevalence of helmet use in motorcyclists around the world: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 5,006,476 participants. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot. 2024;31(3):431-69.
Somesh A, Catalano J, Underhill A, Hocking J, Symons E, Mitra B. Use of short-term cervical collars is associated with emotional discomfort. Clinical and Translational Discovery. 2024;4(6):e70016.
Sri-Ganeshan M, Underhill A, Cameron P. Response to 'Virtual emergency department: It is not all in the name'. Emerg Med Australas. 2024;36(2):329.
Stanislaus V, Mitra B, Zhang WW, Richardson TE, Ng N, Picker B, et al. The incidence and characteristics of clinically relevant blunt cerebrovascular injury at an adult level 1 trauma centre: A retrospective cohort study. Trauma. 2024;26(4):289-96.
Tong EY, Edwards GE, Hua PU, Mitra B, Dyk EV, Yip G, et al. Implementation of Partnered Pharmacist Medication Charting in haematology and oncology inpatients. J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2024;30(4):636-41.
Tran HTM, Roman C, Yip G, Dooley M, Salahudeen MS, Mitra B. Influence of Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use on Older Australians’ Admission to Emergency Department Short Stay. Geriatrics. 2024;9(1):6.
Wackett J, Devaney B, Chau R, Ho J, King N, Grewal J, et al. Reported outcome measures in necrotising soft tissue infections: a systematic review. Diving Hyperb Med. 2024;54(1):47-56.
Yu J, Sri-Ganeshan M, Smit V, Mitra B. Ultrasound for acute pyelonephritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Intern Med J. 2024;54(7):1106-18.