
Student Profiles
Alfred Health Emergency has been actively involved in global emergency care programs for more than a decade. These programs have allowed us to collaborate with medical and nursing colleagues from multiple countries to support the development of emergency and trauma care.
Student Busary Scheme
Capacity Building in Global Emergency Care
Dr Isobelle Woodruff will begin her Advanced Training in Emergency Medicine in 2022. During her critical care residency at The Alfred she took the opportunity to broaden her exposure to global emergency care as a natural exploration of her interests in public and environmental health. Isobelle completed Capacity Building in Global Emergency Care in 2021.
Emergency Leadership and Management Course
Dr Gustodio Alves de Jesus – known to many as Todi – is a Papua New-Guinea-trained Emergency Physician from Timor Leste. He was the first EM Physician in Timor Leste which has a population of 1.3 million people. He was inspired to become an Emergency Physician after supporting refugees who sheltered in his high school post the 1999 referendum with their basic health needs. Todi completed Clinical Leadership and Management in 2020.
The Emergency Medicine Course (Advanced)
Dr Pooja Narayan is a registrar in the emergency department at one of the three divisional hospitals in Fiji. This is her third year working in the emergency department and as of March of this year, she joined the post graduate diploma in emergency medicine training program. Dr Narayan completed Emergency Medicine Theory and Practice in 2020 and shares her experience here.