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Alfred Health Emergency has a strong and established interdisciplinary research program. We collaborate with other internal hospital departments, Monash University and a range of national and international partners.



We create evidence to support best practice in emergency care in the pre-hospital and emergency department settings, and to prevent the need to seek emergency care in the first place. Operating across Monash University and Alfred Health, we integrate research expertise with access to an outstanding clinical service. This ensures our projects are grounded in real-world health challenges, facilitates recruitment, and allows us to rapidly translate findings for our local community.


Our research is focused on helping people avoid the need for emergency care, and to improve the clinical care in pre-hospital and emergency department settings, when it cannot be avoided. Some of our key research themes include concussion, pre-hospital care, emergency medicine, and preventive care. We aim to improve the safety and quality of emergency care delivery, and patient satisfaction.

The Emergency Research unit (ERU) was established in 2023. We’re part of the Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (SPHPM), and Alfred Health Emergency (AHE)

Study with us

Studying with our team is an ideal way for medical and allied health professionals with an interest in acute and emergency medicine to learn the ropes of research and make an impactful contribution to the medical evidence base in the process.
Research is a rewarding activity to complement and deepen your clinical practice; it enables you to give back to the community and increases your ability to appraise and incorporate the latest medical evidence into your work. A working knowledge of research is vital for climbing the ranks of health service leadership.

We provide a supportive environment for students interested in immersive research opportunities across Monash’s Scholarly Intensive Placement program, Honours projects, and graduate research (PhD, MPhil).

Projects currently available for supervision by Prof Mitra:

Research Team

Professor Biswadev Mitra
Professor Biswadev Mitra

Head of the Emergency Research Unit, Director of Emergency Medicine Research, and Emergency Consultant.

Professor Peter Cameron
Professor Peter Cameron

Director, Alfred Emergency Academic Centre, Professor of Emergency Medicine, Prehospital Emergency and Trauma Research, Health Services Research, Monash University

Abha Somesh
Abha Somesh

Research Nurse

Maddison Essery
Maddison Essery

Research Nurse

Melissa Drago
Melissa Drago

Research Nurse

Christine Koolstra
Christine Koolstra

Research Nurse

Dr Bridget Laging
Dr Bridget Laging

Associate Investigator and project lead of Palliative Care research

Cristina Roman
Cristina Roman

Lead Pharmacist Emergency Medicine & Associate Researcher

Ancelin McKimmie
Ancelin McKimmie

The Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry (ANZTR) Manager

Sarah Menahem
Sarah Menahem

The Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry (ANZTR) Project Officer

Alexander Olaussen
Alexander Olaussen

PhD Student

Myles Sri-Ganeshan
Myles Sri-Ganeshan

PhD Student

Fabienne Noordenbos
Fabienne Noordenbos

Master of Medicine Student from the Netherlands (6 month placement)

Meesha Pujitha
Meesha Pujitha

Research Clerk

Tiara Rachim
Tiara Rachim

BMedSc (Honours) Student

2025 Publications

2024 Publications

2023 Publications

2022 Publications

2020 Publications

2021 Publications

2019 Publications


Active Projects

01. Concussion

Current projects:

02. Pre Hospital Care

Current projects:

  • Pre-hospital lactate and blood transfusion after trauma

03. Emergency Medicine

​Current projects:

  • Just say no to the just in case cannula: An implementation science trial with roadmap for national roll-out 

  • Blood transfusion studies:

    • Fibrinogen concentrate vs. Cryoprecipitate in traumatic haemorrhage: A randomised controlled trial (FEISTY 2 trial)

  • Validation of GFAP+UCH-L1 for intracranial bleeding after trauma

  • Pharmacists in behaviours of concern (Pharma-BOC1): a randomised controlled trial of emergency medicine pharmacists in behaviours of concern response teams

  • Patient and staff satisfaction of Methoxyflurane use in the emergency department

  • Secondary prevention of stroke in patients with a suspected transient ischaemic attack and discharged from the emergency department: A retrospective cohort study

04 . Preventative Care

Current projects:

  • Virtual emergency departments 

  • Emergency department-initiated palliative care for older people transferred from residential aged care: wrong time and place, or exactly what is needed?

    • Deaths in hospital following transfer from residential aged care: A retrospective cohort study​

    • Hospital transfer of older people from residential aged care at the end-of-life: An exploratory qualitative study of clinician experiences

    • Deaths in hospital following transfer from residential aged care: the experiences of bereaved family members

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