Clinical Reference Group
This Clinical Reference Group has been formed to advise on and guide the clinical content of the Rural Urgent Care Nursing – Capability Development Program (RUCN-CDP). The CRG draws together an incredible breadth of experience and knowledge relevant to the program and includes key representatives from services crucial to the delivery of quality care in the Urgent Care Centre setting.
CRG Membership
Professor Peter Cameron, Clinical Lead, SCV ECCN
Dr Tim Baker, clinician and academic in rural emergency healthcare (Barwon South Western)
Mr Mick Stephenson, A/Chief Operating Officer, Ambulance Victoria
Mr Jason Phieler, Acute Nurse Unit Manager, Lorne Community Hospital
Ms Linda Blair, Nurse Practitioner & CNE, Heathcote Health (UCC) (Hume)
Mr David Briggs, NUM Benalla Health (Hume)
Mrs Bernadette Wardle, CEO Yarram & District Health Service (Gippsland)
Trish Heinrich, UCC NUM, West Wimmera Health Service
A/Professor Michael Stewart, Director, PIPER
Donna Miller, NUM, PIPER
Mary McCarthy, NUM Mercy, ED
Di Crellin, Nurse Practitioner, RCH ED
Ross Salathiel, Paramedic Community Support Coordinator, Ambulance Victoria
Matt Chadban, Regional Director, Hume, Ambulance Victoria
Claire Doherty Project Lead, ECCN Safer Care Victoria
Debra-Lee Holman, Director of Nursing, Daylesford Health
Dr Xavier O’Kane, General Practitioner, Benalla